It’s no secret that society is suffering from massive divisiveness these days. I mean just look at Twitter. Everyday people are arguing back and forth, each trying to score internet points. For what reason I don’t even know. Retweets, likes, victim-points – it’s an incredibly sad thing to watch really. And the saddest thing is that you can see who spends way more time on the internet than they should.

People have allowed themselves to become completely defined by some random guy who’s president of a country on the opposite side of the world. You think I am joking, but I know someone who “had a celebratory glass of wine” when Trump announced he had Covid. Just let that sink if for a bit…

Is that not insane? Is that not completely bizarre? Imagine if we all went about our lives, hating someone on the opposite side of the planet. This person wouldn’t know, and probably wouldn’t care. And you spend your entire existence doing the opposite. At what point would you start to live your own life? Or form your own opinions?

We need more compassion in our world. We need to go outside and smell the flowers. Maybe then we’d realize that life is not that bad. Seriously, try it. Life is not all the gloom and doom that the media is feeding you. In fact, you will often be at odds with what you’re told. Why is this? Is this because you’re ignoring the world’s problems?

Let me ask you this instead – why is it up to you to carry the world’s problems?

Therein lies the problem. Too many people concerned about every single problem under the sun, but their own. If we all stopped worrying about the world, and started worrying about our community, how much more could we change? How much better off would those around us be?

Step away from the internet – you have no power over it anyway. Instead, connect with real people. Find out their needs, their dreams, their why. Find ways to help them, support them, and care for them. After all, your Twitter followers aren’t the ones that arrive with beer after a long week. Or sit with you, ask you how you’re doing and offer you a cup of tea. No, they will only stick around for as long as you echo their thoughts back at them.

Let’s get back to caring about those real people, let’s get back to talking to our social circle instead of repeating internet talking points at them.

And for the love of cheese, let’s all agree that hating someone on the opposite side of the planet because the media tells you to, is just a very stupid, stupid past time.

Categories: Blog