Part 1 : The reason the title is date-stamped
Since I am going to try make these a reoccurring series, I think I’ll just date stamp the title. It makes it easier to look back and see what and where I was on a certain day, or a certain week. And since this is mainly for my benefit, you just get the pleasure of reading the thoughts of a mad man. Don’t say you were not warned.
Part 2 : The work talk
The first real week of 2020. A new year. A new decade. I look forward to the revival of the big swing bands and taking your girlie out dancing on a Friday night. This week a lot of people returned to work after their Christmas / New Year break, which is why I have drawn this rather obscure line in the sand of time.
I didn’t get a break – working through the Christmas / New Year weeks because as the new-boi, I don’t really have leave. And I put my hand up for on-call. Being the newbie means you clean out the stables (AKA deal with the crap) and so I was quite prepared for this. Rather volunteer to go to the stables, than have it sprung on me.
So the first week back, and if this is anything to go by, its going to be another hectic year. Work wise – it just doesn’t stop. Concert wise – it just doesn’t stop. Travel wise – well we don’t ever want that to stop.
Part 3 : Being an adult
Also, being the responsible adults we are, Simone and I are now looking for an investment property. Kiwisaver is great and all, but I am not comfortable having all my eggs in the government’s basket. Especially not a very socialist government. Which means it’s time to diversify our portfolio. And an investment property is a good start to the ‘Dunkerley Property Empire’ that I envision.
Hopefully soon we’ll be landlords. But not really. We’ll pass that responsibility to a company whose job it is to deal with that side of things. So that’s exciting!
Part 4 : Extra-curriculars
The podcast fired to life with two special episodes this week too, and our annual new year meeting where we discuss what we want to get out this year. It’s good to have three episodes that we can potentially release. Maybe even this week… And we did our first international guest of the year – having Jeremy join us on Skype. It was a great test for the future of the podcast. I hope he enjoyed it and it didn’t waste too much of his time.
We’re hoping to do merch this year too and take the podcast from the audio into the physical world, with people out there actually representing our brand. It’s exciting indeed!
I only skipped gym one day this week, and it was a day when everything was being dumb, so I was super annoyed with the world. I find going to gym in that mindset doesn’t yield any benefits, as impostor syndrome takes over my thoughts, and I just give up and go home. But I have started off on the big heavy lifts again – a dead-lift average of 80KG, and even tried a half-squat at 100… That still has a way to go. My shoulder means I can’t do any heavy bench presses, which makes me sad.
Part 5 : The Wrap Up
This past week was busy, but I used the weekend to slow down a bit. I think this coming week is going to be the same busy work-wise, but socially, not as busy. This is good. It will allow me to get a head on blogging, gaming, sorting out my life, and maybe even some future planning stuff.
Twenty-twenty is going to be a big year for the Dunkerley clan – we have a lot of things in the pipeline, and like a house of cards, it all starts with a good foundation. The investment property, the podcast specials, the heaviness at gym – this is the foundations for what is going to be our best year yet.
So don’t be a hater when you see us out here #livingOurBestLife!