There is a lot of buzz about privacy recently, what with the Book of Faces putting all your information online for the world to see, and not, as you hoped, just your friends…

So now this is a pet-peeve of mine. When designing settings for any application, be it web or offline, put all your damned settings in one place! And for the love of Moses, do not have a separate page for each setting (I’m looking at you Windows Live, with a slight wink towards Facebook). Have one page called “Privacy Settings”. Its not rocket science! I feel like I’m the last sane man on earth wading through all these settings which take half an hour to load…

So keep your clients/users/fuzzy little sheep happy and start thinking logically please…

In other news, Windows Live Writer (Or WLW as it shall now be known) is super awesome, and I suggest you try it out.

But for now, have a cookie

Categories: Blog