In a few short months, 9 to be exact, I have gone from meeting complete strangers to being asked to be a groomsman for one of my closest friends. It amazing how life works out. To say I am a little excited is an understatement. I have no clue how to be a groomsman. Or what to do. Or what colour pants I am wearing this morning. Yes, its a bit of a tiz. And no, the wedding is not today. So don’t think I am that disorganised to go to a wedding without pants, thank you very much!

I met Steve and Kez when I started going to Bay City at the beginning of this year. The first time I saw them together, I thought they looked an old couple. The ones that have been dating since high school, are going to get married and have a white picket fence. Oh and 2.5 kids. But they weren’t. They were just friends. As Tui says “Yeah, right”. Everyone seemed to know this before Kez and Steve (which for the sake of this story will be shorted to Stez).

So the story goes that they met and fell in love and were destined to get married. But life forgot to give them that memo. Everyone else on the other hand was wondering when, or even if, life’s postman would come to deliver them the minutes to a meeting they clearly did not attend. But thankfully, the postman arrived, they got the minutes, and lo and behold, I have been asked to be a groomsman for Stez. I would say Steve (Or Allan as he is affectionately known), but as their self-appointed chaperone to both of them, I count it as I am both their groomsman.

So what do I do? Google tells me that I should bedeck their car. I am not even sure if that is legal! But Google can’t lie. Professor Google also tells me that I must know everything about the wedding. As a person who can’t wait for details and loving to know things before others, this is fantastic! I will know the entire thing before, well considering how they met, before even the Bride and Groom themselves. As you, dear reader, can tell, I am a tad excited. I think its due to me not having a clue as to my duties, responsibilities, or anything of the sort. In my mind, I get to wear a suit and stand up at the front. So instead of pulling funny faces at the Bride and Groom, I will now be able to pull them at the crowd. Also, I hope to get to choose the food. Well have input anyways.

What I am most looking forward to is going “Shuit Shopping” with Steve. New suits! How exciting. My grey one is a little tired (and by that, I mean its fantastic and awesome and I should wear it more often) so going to find a nice new sharp suit makes me a very happy man. I will look amazing, maybe even better than Stez. Through no fault of my own, mind you. And I hope that when I am up there, looking really good, and offering moral support to whom ever needs it (probably me considering my excitement levels), a certain someone will be suitably impressed. See what I did there, eh? eh? “suitably” impressed. Because I’m wearing a suit. Get it?

So yes. Kyle has his excited face on. I love weddings – drinks all around!

PS: the certain someone, and I have to put this in because sometimes she is oblivious to compliments which makes her even cuter, is my lovely girlfriend.

Categories: Blog

1 Comment

homeschooling · May 23, 2017 at 11:39

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