While we were deciding-slash-preparing for our move to Melbourne, I had a song that would always pop up. It came to me via Apple Music’s Heaps Heavy playlist, and after the first listen I was hooked. Something about this song embodied my thoughts at the time. It seemed to encompass everything I was feeling and internalising. And I really can’t explain why, even though I am about to attempt just that.
This month’s music review is going to be more of a Sunday Fireside, but set to music. To one song in particular – Animals – by the band Architects. From their now fully released, and absolutely amazing, 9th album – For Those That Wish To Exist. Seriously, I could spill a lot of digital ink about this album, going through each song with a fine-toothed comb. But I’ll leave that to you, dear reader.
I had heard about Architects before, and maybe even heard one or two of their songs, but never really gave them another thought. They were yet another band that completely flew under my radar for whatever reason. Maybe I was not a fan of their earlier stuff, or songs shown to me before just didn’t click. I suppose I was just in the right frame of mind when this song came along, punched me in the mouth and got me to pay attention.
I suppose it’s a reflection of where I was, mentally, emotionally, physically, that these lyrics stuck. Now the jump from New Zealand to Australia is not that hard. In fact, it’s probably one of the easiest move-to-a-new-country one could do. But it’s still a change. And it’s still big. Packing up your life, saying goodbye to friends, trading the familiar and routine for a new routine and the unfamiliar. It takes a lot out of you. You don’t even really have to realise for it to weigh on you.

Many times, while we were preparing, I was oscillating between being excited, looking forward to the opportunities and adventure, and then being nervous and just wanting to stick with my normal, comfortable, unchallenging life. This song came to me and challenged my thinking about settling for the familiar. In particular, the line in this song asking, “should I just pull the pin?”. After all, I am nothing but an animal, afraid of the outcome. So why not take a leap into the unknown! Since I really do feel alive in situations where there is a lot of opportunity for spontaneity, unknowns and having to really dance on sinking sand. I mean, I am in I.T. – where almost anything that can go wrong, will, at some stage, go wrong.
The sense of excitement of rising to a challenge, facing an adversary head on – that’s what we as men do. We forge a path. We pull the pin. If only to challenge ourselves. If only to see if we can handle it. If only to see if we, not only survive, but flourish.
Yes, moving to Australia is not a big deal if you’re a Kiwi. But after fighting to establish my life in New Zealand, deciding to up and leave it, is still a big thing. Well, for me at least…
I do my best, but everything seems ominous
Not feeling blessed, quite the opposite
This shouldn’t feel so monotonous
It never rains but it pours
We’re just a bunch of fucking animals
But we’re afraid of the outcome
Don’t cry to me because the fiction that we’re living in
Says I should pull the pin
Should I just pull the pin?
Should I just pull the pin?
I dug my heels I thought that I could stop the rot
The ground gave way
Now I’ve lost the plot
Fucked it again
That was all I’ve got
It never rains but it pours
Life is just a dream within a….
We’re just a bunch of fucking animals
But we’re afraid of the outcome
Don’t cry to me because the fiction that we’re living in
Says I should pull the pin
Buried under dirt
A diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there
‘Cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral
….dream within a dream within a….
We’re just a bunch of fucking animals
But we’re afraid of the outcome
Don’t cry to me because the fiction that we’re living in
Says I should pull the pin
We’re just a bunch of fucking animals
But we’re afraid of the outcome
Don’t cry to me because the fiction that we’re living in
Says I should pull the pin
Should I just pull the pin?
Should I just pull the pin?
Should I just pull the pin?
The rest of the album is also freaking amazing, and well worth your time. There is another song I think deserves an honourable mention – and that is Meteor. Such a well written song and in addition, an expertly crafted music video. Check it out on YouTube! (I would link it here, but I think this is long enough without forcing you to sit through another video)
In closing – this is an album I’ll be coming back to – either as a whole review or in bits and pieces. Like I said, there is a lot to unpack here, many good songs, many good messages, much good music. Architects have hit this one out the park. So far, my 2021 album of the year is For Those That Wish To Exist!
And we’re only in March!
1 Comment
Simone · April 14, 2021 at 12:56
I feel privileged to have read this post before you published it.
And it’s comforting to know that you also got nervous during that time.
It is a very cool song 😀
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