Negating Burnout
Being busy for the sake of business does not make you a productive person…
Being busy for the sake of business does not make you a productive person…
What do you do in your spare time?
“If you want to change the world, you better make sure your room is clean first.”
“I can’t believe the world is 2018 years old” People on Twitter That’s right, dear reader, its 2018. And that means new and exciting things. Doing things with stuff and stuff with things. We have all had (or about have had) our mandatory break, where we eat too much and Read more…
Its far to easy to put on Netflix.
Today at approximately 11:30 pm New Zealand Time, the world will say goodbye to Cassini. And while we know that all things must end, to see a mission that has been going on for most of my life come to an end, it is quite emotional. Cassini has given us Read more…
The morn of the 13th was greeted by myself and my friend Rebekah, sitting on the couch, drinking tea at the horrendous hour of before-5-am. What nonsense was this? Don’t ask me, because to be up at what is still practically yesterday, I must be insane. We sat, tea in Read more…