The New Phone

Oh, dear reader, I am in a predicament. You see, my Lumia 950 XL is slowly dying. The screen flickers, its slowing down, and its getting hot. I am already on the second battery. And its over 18 months old. Way past due for an upgrade. So where do I Read more…


Professionalism: The idea that we are to generally behave in a manner that doesn’t lead to an embarrassed next day around the water cooler.

Kill Tomorrow

Would you believe, dear reader, that there are people out there who believe, and will argue, that global warming is a hoax, or made up, or even a Chinese plot?

A Blog A Day Challenge

Hi guys I am going to be running an experiment. Since some of you claim I write good (totally intended), and with some of my role models prodding me, I am going to attempt to write a blog post a day. This will be on a thought out subject, so Read more…


Story time dear reader. Get a cup of tea and sit back. Recently, as of a year ago now, I decided it would be a good idea to get injured. Well I didn’t have much say to be honest. My shoulder, after years of the abuse of daily mouse use, Read more…

The Blessings Of A Wednesday

I would like, if I may, to take you on strange and fantastic journey… Twas a Wednesday morning like any other. The sun did rise, the neighbor parrot did squawk, and I awoke contemplating throttling said parrot. Alas. as every Wednesday before it, I did not. Instead, I readied myself for another Read more…