
If we were to wait for all the problems on Earth to be fixed, before we headed for the stars, the human species is doomed. We may as well pack it all in now. As long as there are people, there will be poverty, there will be fighting. Its not Read more…

Potatoes Potate

Potato – (noun) : 1. a starchy plant tuber which is one of the most important food crops, cooked and eaten as a vegetable 2. a person not doing anything with their life I do not want to be a potato. In fact, its something I have been trying to avoid my Read more…

Destination Mars

Recently Mars has been in the headlights of the media for a number of reasons – Elon Musk and Space X; NASA, Orion and the SLS; and even Boeing. Add to that the successful movie adaptation of The Martian and many other forms of media. Its no surprise that any space Read more…

A House. A Home. And A Start.

Hello dear reader and welcome to 2016. This is the year things happen. Oh, yes it is. And in fact, this year has gotten off to a cracking start – at least for me. I have gotten married, travelled to Fiji for my honeymoon and am now looking for a Read more…

I Take This Vow

As I sit here, on this, the second day of 2016, I have 7 days to go until I get married. And as I sit here, I am thinkng of vows. Of promises for the future. How I long to weave the words as skillfully as a tailor weaves the Read more…

Change. Beginnings.

Change does not come over night. It does not happen one morning when you wake up. It is a slow process that must first occur within each one of us. We need to wake up to the fact that we need to inspire, seek, and perpetuate change within our our Read more…

Change. But Why.

With the many words I can write to try and convince you as to why we need to change, none will be either as compelling nor eloquent as this video.  Videos like this exist all over the internet, and the information is free. Anyone with an internet connection can do Read more…