Change. An Intro.

I started this blog on the simplest idea that maybe I could open peoples mind to changing the world, that maybe my lone voice in the darkness would shed some light.  An expected outcome was that mostly it would allow me to change and grow, and at least change my Read more…

How We Met The End

For almost 10 years, I have been a fan of the TV show “How I Met Your Mother”. I remember the days when my friends from Varsity College would all crowd around my humble 17 inch screen to watch the latest instalment of our favourite show. I remember “suiting up” Read more…

Return To The Old Country

On Sunday, the 22nd of December, in the two thousand and thirteenth year of our Lord, I will be boarding a plane which shall whisk me away to the land of my birth. Dramatics aside – I need to get my dates out there so that people can schedule me Read more…


A revolution is bound to happen. In fact, I believe it has to happen. You see, dear reader, our society is broken. And we all know what happens to broken societies – just look at the Roman Empire. They decided entertainment and luxury were the cornerstone of their society. Sound Read more…

Manners Maketh

It could be the fact that I went to an all boys Primary School, where high value was placed on being a gentleman. It could be the excellent job my mother did raising me. It could even be the friends I chose to surround myself with. It could be a Read more…

10 Years

Ten years ago. It seems ages away and yet, I still feel 18… or so. Ten years ago I was a chubby, awkward, teenage boy, trying very hard to take Matric (the final year of school) seriously, and failing horribly. I had gotten contact lenses that year, so of course, Read more…