Idiotic Belief

It makes me sad that today, the majority of the world equates Christians with idiots. I am sure you have heard it – the age old “Science is for the intellectuals, religion is for the rest.” Of course this is a stereotype. Just the same as assuming all atheists can Read more…

Xbox One

You walk into a Post Office, the AA, Burger King or any other situation where you are forced to deal with someone. You make your request, be it for a whopper with fries, renewing your driving license or even to post a simple letter.  You can tell the person behind Read more…

Window To Your Phone

Because I am a geek or nerd, I suppose its time to come out with a techie post one in a while. I do believe this is my first. So bare with me. Its not going to go into specs, or popularity, but more with my thoughts. If you know me, you Read more…

The Hospital (A Sequel)

Now dear reader, let me paint you a picture. Yes, this is another broken arm tale. And its the last one in this saga of pain. At least I hope so. For I am really tired with all these shenanigans surrounding my battered arm. Its time to just get better Read more…


Good news everyone! I have gone through the list twice and been assured that I am not unkissable. You see, I manage to tick all the boxes. That’s right. I am certified kissable. My certificate shall arrive in the mail any day now. Ah, but where is this list, I Read more…