Calling The Rain

As I sit here, blasting my ears with the delicious sounds of Eluveitie, I had the inspiration to write. And you, dear reader, sitting where ever you are in the world, have been struck with the inspiration to read it. Aren’t we all so lucky? This particular song, funnily enough Read more…

Birthdays and Brokenness

As I write this, my medication is wearing off. Also, /i am typing this one handed, so its very good going for being an invalid. I hope you, dear reader, appreciate the lengths I am going to here, to not only inform you of this plight, but also to relate Read more…


Ah, life. What a wonderful gift we are given, dear reader! And both a curse. Its the leading cause of death after all… But in between, it can truly be amazing. We have so many experiences at our finger tips, a chance to really drink in life, to poke things Read more…

Wedding Bells (But Not Mine)

In a few short months, 9 to be exact, I have gone from meeting complete strangers to being asked to be a groomsman for one of my closest friends. It amazing how life works out. To say I am a little excited is an understatement. I have no clue how Read more…

Remembering Eleven Years

On this day, eleven years ago, the entire world stopped. The world stopped to watch the symbol of the free world, represented by two towers of concrete and steel, come crashing down. In one day the world was reminded of the darker side of humanity. In one day, the course Read more…


Hello again, dear reader. I realize that my postings have slowed down to a crawl, as pointed out by a fair number of people. I do intend to rectify this. Maybe if I got more comments… Just kidding. But seriously. I don’t know what type of man I am, but Read more…


Today I tried to read the news happening back home. I like to keep current with affairs, so I know whats going on in the world – this is prove I am not weird. While reading through the dribble, and noticing it has not changed in two years, I came Read more…