One Giant Loss For Mankind

Today the world remembers the last great pioneer. The man who became the modern face of human exploration and achievement. He did not brag about his achievements, remaining humble to the end. He represents not just an American Hero, but what it means to be a good human being. Unlike Read more…

A Year On

July 21st. The date that will be remembered as the last ever Space Shuttle touched down at the Kennedy Space Center, in Florida, for the final time. Just over thirty years after it was first launched. The wheels touched the ground. The crew disembarked. Atlantis was towed off the run Read more…


adjective.  sufficiently good, important, or interesting noun. high value or merit In all my writing, the single topic I seem to have covered extensively is my very own existence. My life direction, meaning and pot holes. While I can appreciate this has given me a lot material to muse upon, Read more…


Firstly, I must apologise for the lack of blogging that is happening. While I have gotten really busy, and I realise that is no excuse, I am simply not finding enough time to flesh out my ideas. But the main reason I have slowed to a stop is due to Read more…

Puzzle Pieces

Dreams. Hopes. Aspirations. Goals. Yes, dear reader, we are there again. Due to the current state of mind, I don’t believe this to be a happy post, so here is your out. Seeing as you made it on to paragraph two, I will assume you want to read further. Any Read more…

Lost: A Follow Up Study In Existentialism

During the course of my myriad writings, this is the one topic on which I am plagued and blessed countless times. I have waxed eternal on this thought of meaning, and needing to be an individual while also possessing worth and drive.  This constant need for “more” has been with Read more…


Conclusion And so dear reader, we have come to the end of my three-in-three. I do not mean I have accomplished them, nor am I claiming to have even started them, I just mean they are now written down and stored on the ether from now until… a very long Read more…