Yes, I know I didn’t do a 2020 review of any sorts. In fact, I may still do one… You see, I have just been a little busy with moving to Melbourne and all that. But what better way to get back on the horse than to pretend the stable doesn’t exist, and just jump right on? Hmm… Maybe this analogy doesn’t work so well. But it’s the one we get, so it’ll have to do.
Without a doubt, 2020 was a strange year. A lot of the artists I follow seem to have a theme with their new releases. Any guesses what that is? Thankfully, Fit for a King haven’t taken the easy way out. I suspect it’s due to the band writing most of this album before lockdown became life. And even though this album came out in September, I haven’t really gotten around to listening to it properly until now.

And that in itself is a crime!
When I wrote about Dark Skies, it was mostly just the singles that gripped me as the album hadn’t come out yet. When it did come out, it was as close to perfect as a band could get. That album had converted me into a full FFAK fan. Now that I have found some time to sit down and absorb their latest offering, I can safely say that Fit for a King have mastered their signature sound.
Dark Skies laid the groundwork. The Path builds on and perfects it. In every single way possible. If you were impressed with Dark Skies, you’ll find yourself speechless with The Path. And they manage to do this while adding some experimental elements too.
The Path opens with The Face of Hate and it’s an epic intro from the get-go. This song is much more than the sum of its parts – and you can hear it becoming a rally cry, a stadium anthem, sung by the crowd. The guitar riff has an epic sound, and you really get drawn into the song. As an opener, it sets the scene for what’s to come, and unlike other albums, doesn’t set you up for disappointment.
One thing you will notice is that Ryan sings a lot more on this album. You’d be forgiven for thinking this may soften their sound. Not in any way! What it does is give this album a way more important feel. Almost like the message they want to send is taking priority over anything else. And on an album that deals with a lot of personal struggles, this choice becomes clear.
Breaking the Mirror is the second track, and it makes me want to take action right now to be a better me. If that isn’t a powerful feeling, then what is?
Through my struggle I have found victory
Breaking the Mirror
Through this hatred I will end
End the suffering
No more doubt, no more fear, no more suffering
No more doubt, no more fear
You’ll never kill the flame in me
Annihilation could have come straight from Dark Skies. It’s one of the best songs on the album in my opinion. Everything is so tight – the drumming, the guitars, it all just works. And oh, so heavy. One day I’ll be in the pit when they play this song live, and I honestly can’t wait!
I see the promise in every one of us
But the choices we make
They will define us
Ah, now we get to the title track – The Path. And man! This song, this music video, this everything! When you ask why I’m a metal fan with no love for other genres – I’ll just show you this song. The message here is something everyone needs to hear, especially in a world that has gotten so soft. No matter how bad it may seem, you just have to keep going. The only way it gets better is if you keep fighting to make it better. Oh, and the music video continues the bands excellent fire work. Not many songs are perfect, but The Path gets a 10/10 from me!
If you’re broken, if you’re bleeding
The Path
If you’re dying for somebody to believe in
Don’t you turn back, you’ve got a story to tell
We’ll find the path, the path out of hell
Facing the thunder, facing the storm up ahead
Only God knows when this journey will end
Another question, another knife in the road
Sometimes you have to fall, to learn where to go
I could go on, doing a dive into each song, but I think I have said enough to whet your appetite. And if my words haven’t convinced you, then the video above should do the trick.
With The Path, Fit for a King have again proven themselves giants in the metalcore scene, and solidified themselves worthy to be in any headbangers collection. Their messaging is on point, their beliefs front and center. Mix that with some of the finest production, riffs, drums and a band that has a passion for this type of music, and you get releases like this. The band is firing on all cylinders, and I am not sure how they can get any better. Of course, I’ll be surprised by their next album if history has taught me anything.
What more is there to say? You should be listening to this album right now! Put it on, use some good headphones because you’re going to want to enjoy every single little bit!
And now the self-promotion part… Since I have left Twitter, I have been sharing music recommendation in my Instagram stories. So, you know, you may want to follow me there… #justSayin’
Simone · March 15, 2021 at 11:27
Love the lyrics!!!
Liam · March 3, 2021 at 23:49
Havent heard of Fit For A King before, definately will be checking them out!
Kyle · March 4, 2021 at 08:03
They are amazing! Dark Skies (and now The Path) are incredible albums, and totally worth your time. 👍
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